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Cabin Fever Remedies for Kids

As the snow swallows the world outside and freezing temperatures lock us indoors, prolonged indoor confinement can spur a dreaded sensation – cabin fever. The monotony of being stuck indoors can lead to a myriad of emotions – boredom, irritability, and an overwhelming desire for a change of scenery, especially for young children. The following remedies reduce screen-time and are sure to let your imagination run beyond the limitations of the indoors!

Cabin Fever Remedies for Kids

Cabin Fever Remedies for Kids

As the snow swallows the world outside and freezing temperatures lock us indoors, prolonged indoor confinement can spur a dreaded sensation – cabin fever. The monotony of being stuck indoors can lead to a myriad of emotions – boredom, irritability, and an overwhelming desire for a change of scenery, especially for young children. The following remedies reduce screen-time and are sure to let your imagination run beyond the limitations of the indoors!

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

Winter can be filled with below freezing wind chills and blankets of falling snow that force us all to slow down from our typical hectic schedules. As caregivers, we play a vital role in helping kids develop the skills to navigate stress, build resilience, and foster emotional well-being. A canceled daycare or dance practice is the perfect excuse to embrace the slowness of the season and to practice these techniques.

Explore kid-friendly yoga or simple stretching exercises that promote body awareness and mindfulness. Here is a card deck from Washington State University that will stimulate your child’s senses, gamify their learning, and connect them to nature from the warmth of home!

Sink into a Reading Realm:

There is nothing better than getting comfy, cozy, and creative with a good book. Beyond the benefits of language development and cognitive skills, it’s an emotional bonding activity between you and your little ones. Exploring character development, relationships, and those BIG character feelings can assist in the development of cultural awareness and empathy. Go ahead and set some reading time aside this chilly season!

Check out our blog The Magic of Reading to Toddlers: A Mom's Guide to explore more reading benefits!

Get Crafty Indoors:

Scrap up materials laying around the house and get hands on! Here is a fun and creative craft with materials you likely have at home:

Sock Snowmen:

Materials: White socks, rice, rubber bands, buttons, felt, and markers.

Fill a sock with rice, tie it off with a rubber band to create the body. Decorate the sock with buttons for eyes, felt for a warm winter hat, and markers for additional dazzling details. All the fun without the cold!

Host a Family Board Game Night:

Bring on the friendly(?) competition! There’s no better time to bring out the old board game sets than a chilly winter night. Dive into an evening of laughter, strategy, and fun. Make a batch of hot cocoa and gather ‘round!

DIY Indoor Forts and Play Spaces:

A creative and physical activity full of hours of fun. Use a rocketship to fly to the moon, or sailboat to explore the ocean blue – the adventure has only just begun!

And may we suggest: The Figgy Play Couch. Cozy for the coldest of days, the Figgy transforms any living space into wherever your imagination takes you – perfect for snow days!

You do not have to sacrifice freedom and fun when embracing the winter cold! We hope you and the kiddos love these cabin-fever reducing remedies!